Michel Aractingi

In 2023, I obtained a Ph.D. in robotics and computer science from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) in Toulouse. I did my Ph.D. thesis at Naver Labs Europe and the Gepetto team at LAAS/CNRS. The main focus of my work revolves around learning control policies for quadruped locomotion. I am supervised by Philippe Soueres (LAAS) and Tomi Silander (NaverLabs Europe). I recieved my B.Sc from the University of Balamand in Lebanon in Electrical Engineering and my M.Sc. in data science at the Grenoble Institute of Technology INP.

During my master's thesis, I worked under the supervision of Cordelia Schmid on imitation learning for manipulation skills from visual input. After that I joined the robot navigation team in NaverLabs Europe as a research engineer working on the topic of robot navigation for indoor and crowded environments. Then, in my Phd I worked with the Solo quadruped and the MIT's MiniCheetah. I designed, implemented and transfered learned locomotion policies with reinforcement learning for both robots.

In 2024, I joined HuggingFace 🤗 to work on open-source robotics. I am currently working as part of the LeRobot team.

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I am interested in studying the role of machine learning in robotic control and perception. I prefer working with real robots and deploying learned policies in the wild. I want to use robots to push the limits of the current state of AI algorithms.

A Hierarchical Scheme for Adapting Learned Quadruped Locomotion
Michel Aractingi, Pierre-Alexandre Leziart, Thomas Flayols, Julien Perez, Tomi Silander, Philippe Soueres
IEEE Humanoids, 2023
paper bibtex video

A hierarchical approach for learning locomotion policies where several aspects of the low-level behaviour can be comanded.

Controlling the Solo12 Quadruped with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Michel Aractingi, Pierre-Alexandre Leziart, Thomas Flayols, Julien Perez, Tomi Silander, Philippe Soueres
Scientific Reports, 2023
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A deep reinforcement learning approach to learn joint-angle control for the solo12 quadruped with a state estimation network.

DiPCAN: Distilling Privileged Information for Crowd-Aware Navigation
Gianluca Monaci Michel Aractingi, Tomi Silander,
RSS 2022, Nominated for Best Paper Award
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Learning navigation policies in densely crowded environments.

Learning to Adapt the Trotting Gait of the Solo Quadruped
Michel Aractingi, Pierre-Alexandre Leziart, Thomas Flayols, Julien Perez, Tomi Silander, Philippe Soueres
Preprint, 2021
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We propose to augment the model-based controller of the solo12 quadruped with a policy that modifies the gait sequence learned with deep reinforcement learning.

Improving the Generalization of Visual Navigation Policies using Invariance Regularization
Michel Aractingi, Christopher Dance, Julien Perez, Tomi Silander,
ICML 2019 Workshop RL4RealLife
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We study the generalization ability of visual navigation agents trained with deep RL. We propose a regularization term to improve their generalization ability.

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